Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Ice Lagoon

I thought I'd update this blog daily because I love writing about myself (narcissism much?) but turns out updating three blogs regularly doesn't work as easily as I first imagined. I have to write an internship blog that  mostly consist of work/school related updates, but I've ended up telling about my travels there also. Then there's the ArteCult blog where I have to write once a week to kind of confirm that yes, I actually am in Iceland, doing stuff.

So, almost two weeks have passed already, and time flies! During the first week I traveled a lot thanks to Easter holidays, I went to the Golden Circle tour and then we rented a car with my housemates. We almost visited Vík. I've also been to Eyrarbakki and Seljavallalaug. But this entry will be about the ice lagoon I visited yesterday. The trip took around 4-5 hours, and we had all kinds of weather during the way. At first it was raining, then the sun was shining, and then around Vík it was snowing! We even saw a small snow hurricane, but unfortunately the photo I took of it ended up being very blurry. But here you can see the weather contrast a bit:

At this point the sun is shining, but take a look at the car mirror... And around 50 from this the blizzard started. But when we got to the lagoon the sun started shining again.

You'd think a Finnish girl like me has already had her fair share of ice, snow and cold water, but surprisingly enough I really enjoyed the scenery. Even though there were a couple other tourists there, if you just walked far enough, all the sounds around you just disappeared. Complete silence. And the view.
I think we spent around 2 hours at the lagoon. At one point I remembered that Gult was with me, so I took some photos of him as well. He's been traveling with me all along, but usually it's been so windy that I've been afraid he'd fly away, so he's been safe in my bag.

I also made a small snowman because there were these blotches of snow that you were able to make snowballs with. The snowman us supposed to have a moustache, but it kind of looks like a sad mouth. Maybe he knows he's going to melt soon. :(

After the lagoon I was tired, but we still went to the other side of the lagoon, to the beach. It was filled with huge blocks of ice, it felt so weird to touch them because I don't think I've seen block that big before.
The waves were big and I almost got my shoes wet for standing too close. But it was so much fun, and on the beach there were nobody else but me and my housemates. 

On the way back the weather wasn't changing so drastically anymore, but around half way through there were three Icelandic horses walking on the main street. It was bizarre, at first I thought they were elks, but then I realized we're not in Finland. They were just walking calmly and nothing bad happened, but apparently something like this happens every now and then, and it's very dangerous. I can understand why, even if the horses are calm, in pitch darkness it's hard to see them. So I guess we were lucky. At one point we stopped the car and tried to see the northern lights, but no dice. But I did see a satellite AND a shooting star.
I also saw the Big Dipper. It looks so different here, made me understand that I truly am away from home. And during those late, dark hours I felt homesickness lift its head.

But I'm fine again, don't worry. ^^

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